ADHD and Me
It's been so long since I've written a blog. I've just spotted so many unfinished blogs in the drafts section. All great ideas, if I do...
ADHD and Me
Let go of the idea that repressing emotions is a sign of strength
Talk to yourself like you would talk to your friend; taking my own advice.
My absence from blogging
Humidifier Review!
How I clean my houseplants; with videos!
How I prepare my houseplants for the growing season
No windows? No problem!... How to have plants in rooms with no windows, without grow lights!
How my houseplants are helping me practice mindfulness during lock down
Why do Prayer Plants move?
What is bright indirect light? And how do you identify if you have it or not?
6 signs you're underwatering your houseplants!
How to identify an overwatered houseplant and how to save it!
Monstera Deliciosa vs Monstera Borsigiana